Check out this recipe on Youtube for Nasturtium salad.
Alchemy decided to spend her second night lounging about in one of the toad abodes that just happens to be situated right in the middle of a nasturtium patch. Hmm...I wonder if she had an ulterior motive for wanting to sleep in that area of the garden. Do you think it was the yummy nasturtiums?

On day three she accompanied me to the GardenFest, a festival celebrating everything garden related, where she spent the day greeting customers while perched inside the assorted birdhouses, mushrooms and bird feeders for sale in my booth. To our surprise, one of my customers had heard about the traveling meerkats from a friend and was just tickled to see one in person.

These are a few of the garden related sights at the GardenFest festival.
A dazzling array of bromeliads.
Lovely orchids.
And more tropical plant varieties.
Our last day together was spent relaxing around the house with a little time set aside for her to get to know our dog Cici. If I can so say myself, they looked so cute hanging out together. I had to continually convince Cici that this little meerkat was not a new chew toy for her to chomp on. In the end they made for perfect friends.
The final picture is of little Alchemy with her nasturtium seeds and Honey Bee in the Garden trinket dish for the final giveaway. If you're interested in seeing where the other meerkats have traveled to, go check out the Niftyknits Meerkat World Tour page here.

My Mother's Garden online shop has a variety of newly created birdhouses and toad abodes for spring. Stop by and visit if you'd like!
What a wonderful blog post! Your garden stall looks so so good, I'm glad Alchemy turned up in time to join you there. Little Treasure (who is still lost somewhere between Estonia and Turkey) will be so jealous to hear what she's missed. I remember growing nasturtiums as a child, in my grandmother's garden! Many thanks Karrita!
Karrita, your pictures of Alchemy are just charming! Love the one with the Dog. Dog looks soooo blase about being photographed with a meerkat! Priceless.
Once again enchanted by both host and meerkat. Am having so very much fun reading these story adventures of handknit meerkats and real humans.
This is the first I've heard of the Meerkats...interesting, I'll have to check it out. I'm going to see how your mushrooms and such are priced...I usually get mine from Lowes....
oh, Karrita, i am so glad Alchemy got to visit you and all your beautiful flowers! What a display! I am afraid by the time Alchemy gets here the azaleas will probably not be budded out yet...but you never know! My fav photo is the one of you two in your booth! I love all the color and the gorgeous display. I think i would spend the whole time at the fair in your booth, if i was there!
that was wonderful :) we got to see so many little glimpses into your life - loved the photos with your dog and the story about a customer having heard about the travelling meerkat! just delightful!s
Those photos of Cici and Alchemy are just too cute. What a docile doggie to let that critter sit on her head. Alchemy has some very nice treats to take with her as she travels.
My nasturtiums were fried with the cold temps... I've got more seed in the ground but they really don't last well when it get humid.
Thanks for taking us on your journey with Alchemy.
It's so fun to see the adventures these little 'kats are having! Love seeing your garden with Alchemy enjoying the beautiful blooms and sunshine :)
Oh gosh!!! What beautiful pictures!!!
Look slike Alchemy had a fantastic vacation at your place! I love seeing that sweet meerkat in all those various places and settings... fabulous photos, one and all! Thanks for sharing a smile this morning.
Alchemy looks very comfy in the garden setting. and I love nasturtiums in salads...not so many edible flowers out this direction, but you can fry up some cactus!
This post is adorable. I hadn't heard of the traveling meerkats, so still not sure what that is about, but it looks like great fun. And your pics of the garden and the festival you went to look like great fun, too. So pretty. I love nasturtiums.
Hello Karrita,
what a funny post.
I loved the pictures.
Have a nice day, Petra
I love it! Great to see photos of you too, Karrita.
this is such a great post. So happy I stopped by here.
I always love your site. Just so uplifting and pretty.
So thrilled you want to be on Temptation Mondays. All you need to do is send me an email with a link to your site and pictures that you want on there and if you want to write something to go along with it that is great too. Just check out some other Temptation Mondays post and see what you like.
Also while your at my site enter the Chocolate Giveaway on the post about Birthdays and a Giveaway...
Good luck with entering it and my email address is grandmayellowhair@gmail.com
Karrita-- You look like a model! I love your booth and it looks like Alchemy is loving your beautiful pottery! The photos with Cici are adorable. Looks like a great place to sell, with all those gorgeous plants and flowers!
Karrita, Traveling Meerkat Alchemy is adorable! ...You know how much I love your work and it's marvelous to see it all in the booth. Take care and have a great weekend, gail
I love the pictures of Cici with Meerkat. Beautiful blooming flowers. We are experiencing early blooming here in Las Vegas.
That thing really gets around!
What sweet photos of Alchemy!!! your market stand looks fabulous too! -- when are you coming to Pennsylvania? thanks for the link to "Nasturtium salad" -- I've got to plant some this spring.
I love the look of your stall at the Fest. I wish I could've been there. You're such a talented, creative person. No wonder Alchemy looks like he's having the time of his life. I would smile too if I had that gorgeous birdhouse to hang out at!
Gee"..I wish I was Alchemy..Alchemy gets to travel, meet people and see pretty plants and gets to eat them too"..like those lovely nasturtiums.
I have also heard that they give salads a nice kick I've got to try it..Thanks for placing links and recipe for it.
It's sweet of CiCi to allow Alchemy to sit on her head..I love that one.
I'll be checking in on your Fabulous ceramics for future garden gifts.. Best wishes Vetsy..
Karrita... just wishing you and yours a wonderful Easter!
Karrita this was just too cute and I love your pup ! Alchemy is a perfect tourist : ) I have a ceramic meerkat from friends who visited South Africa .. a real gem ! .. I love your garden art pieces .. I call it garden jewlery or the icing on the cake ? LOL
Great post and a very fun read !
Thank you : )
Congratulations. You just won the Sunshine award.
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