I've been making a lot of new ceramic pieces for both the garden and home lately and thought I'd share these new birdhouses today. I have them listed in My Mother's Garden Etsy shop. They are approximately 5" round and look like little hanging ornaments when placed in the garden. I have three of them hanging at different levels from my yellow tecoma stans tree. I think they add lots of decorative whimsy to my garden. Someday I hope to find them filled with nesting birds. Happy spring everyone!
Get out of town! Those are so cheery and adorable!!
Brilliant! The best I've ever seen.
They look really good hanging in the tree. Good job!
They are beautiful, your tree looks like it's dressed up ready to go out!
Hello again, lovely colourfull little birdhouses. We are used to have much smaller "entrances" for birdhouses over here in Europe.
Isn´t there any "enemies" eating upp the youngsters whilst they still can´t fly?
But these birdhouses are wonderful and very decorative as well.
Have a nice day, Petra
I like the one in the first picture very much.
What pretty bird houses, I love the designs and colors.
Those are so cool. Love the whimsy.
Lovely birdhouses, I say as Petra doesnt the birds have any enemies?
But I would´t mind to have one in my garden. I really like them.
Thanks for the comments on the new birdhouses! Gunilla and Petra, I think I'll make the next round of birdhouses with smaller openings, many thanks for the input.
Happy Spring!
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