How do you enter to win this toad abode?
1. For one entry: Visit My Mother's Garden Etsy shop and leave a comment here about your favorite item in the shop.
Here are some other ways you can have extra entries for this giveaway:
2. For a second entry: Become a follower of My Mother's Garden Blog. (Follow button is in the right column.) If you are already a follower - just let me know in a comment - it counts!
3. For a third entry: Follow Mymothersgarden on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway. Let us know about it in a comment with your Twitter account name and a link to the tweet.
4. For a fourth entry: Blog about this giveaway on your blog and leave a link to your blog post in the comments section here.
5. For a fifth entry: Grab our My Mother's Garden Blog Button (button picture and code is listed in the right side column of my blog.) and add it to your blog. Leave us a comment with the link to your blog where the button or widget is displayed.
The giveaway starts today, Sunday, August 9th, and will end at Midnight Eastern time on Monday, August 17th. I will use a randomizer (random.org) to pick the winner. You can have multiple enteries, but be sure to make each of your entries in a *separate* comment here on the blog. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, August 18th. Be sure that you put your email address or blog address in each of your separate entries, otherwise I won't be able to contact you if you win!!
For shipping purposes this giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian residents only, 18 years of age.
Thanks and good luck!!
This is one of my newly created toad abode houses for the garden, this one has a frog perched atop a beautiful leaf, created from the glory bower (clerodendrum splendens) plant, adorning its roof. Toad abode houses are both functional and decorative. They will add color, whimsy and visual texture to your garden in addition to providing a home to frogs and toads.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that a single adult toad can eat 10,000 insect pests over the course of an average summer. You can welcome them to your yard not with a kiss, but with a castle: a so-called toad abode. Toads are most active at night, so during the day they need a fairly dark, cool place to hide from the sun and predators. Encourage these garden friendly creatures to have a nice long stay in your garden by providing these adorable toad houses. Place many toad houses in the moist shady areas of your garden.
8" wide X 3 1/2" tall and glazed in a lovely multi-toned green and brown color. This leaf topped toad abode is very natural looking and would blend right into the garden.
Please bring me inside during freezing temperatures.
Signed Karrita ~ My Mother's Garden and stamped with my signature happy heart.
See the rest of the collection: http://mymothersgarden.etsy.com
Thank´s for your kind greetings on my birthday.
What a fantastic giveaway.
It should really be nice in my garden.
Have a great day
I think the blue handcrafted ceramic birdfeeder is gorgeous!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
new follower
micaela6955 at msn dot com
tweeted @micaela6955 http://twitter.com/micaela6955/status/3214714208
Oh wow, I've never seen anything like those items before! They're so pretty!!!
My favorite is the Handcrafted Ceramic Birdfeeder With Floral Blossom Vines Lavender. So well done too :D
It's hard to choose in your shop, but I do love the unusual sun celebration face. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23546555
I followed you!
Midnightcoiler Tweeted it!
Oops, meant to add that I'm already following you on Twitter.
I am already following you...been loving your stuff for a while now.
THIS is my fave: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=19397426
I love those!!!!!! Could you do my name?
I don't Twitter...so I can get 4 out of 5
Love the toad abode! Would make a great home for my pet toads.
I love your birdhouses too.
Pick me, pick me! -- Jeannie :-)
I love this birdhouse!
Here's a tweet for you!
I have been looking for a toad house for my new rock garden and pond. I love yours, especially the Garden Leaf Top Ceramic Toad Abode.
I also love the Ceramic Butterfly Garden Goddess. She is a beauty!
Handcrafted toad adobe giveaway looks awesome. You seems to have a great artistic skills. Keep it up the good work. Cheers :) Beth Iflorist.co.uk
I love this: Handcrafted Birdfeeder With Floral Blossom Vines Ceramic Violet Pink
Hi Karrita, I know and so enjoy your shop. I like your full range of work from toad abodes, to trinket plates to the sun and goddess faces just to mention a few. If pressed to pick a very favorite it would be this goddess face http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23507568
Definitely have a garden, and put up lots of vegetables.
Oh yes, just signed up to follow your blog. Thanks. Jane
I love the garden goddess in your shop. I just posted her to my FB page.
corysu @ gmail.com
Just tweeted your contest.
Yay. I just followed this blog.
What a great giveaway!! I love so many things in your shop... all those lizard and reptile trinket dishes, one of which holds my itty bitty jewelry items, but I really, really like the lavender birdhouse with blossom vines. It's so pretty and what a great home for birds!
Already a follower....
I am following your blog dear lady
Your most favorite piece of artwork from your Etsy site is the Butterfly Garden Goddess. The butterfly gracing her face is exquisite, the elegant script brings to mind old garden sculpture of the days gone by in England and the color happens to be a favorite, reminding me of weathered and aged precious beloved pieces of art. Your work is amazing, graceful, whimsical and full of intense feeling.
Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us.
One of my favs is the green Ceramic Birdhouse with Ribbon Scrolls. You do such amazing work!
I follow your blog :~)
I have your super cool button on my blog: http://punkyjane.blogspot.com/
Just tweeted! @PunkyJane
I went to Etsy....love the 5 Magical Mushrooms...
Just grabbed your button and put it on my side bar..
Thought I was following, guess that was on my old blog...I'm following now..
I just blogged your contest!
just added your banner to my blog :)
This toad house is so adorable. I have followed you and will be tweeting about you as well. My twitter account is http://twitter.com/GardensAndCraft
I already have your Etsy shop in my favorites as I have admired your work before. It's hard to pick a favorite item, but I would have to say your garden spheres are fantastic. I love the Golden Brown Ivy Leaf Mandala Garden Sphere the best although that Sapphire Blue one is beautiful too.
I just posted your widget on my blog. http://gardensandcrafts.blogspot.com/ and am off to write a post about it too. Will return with that link momentarily.
Thanks for such a beautiful giveaway.
I just saw were you wanted each comment separately....leave it to me to not finish reading the fine print...LOL.
Here is the link to the blog post I just did.
just posted your widget on my blog. http://gardensandcrafts.blogspot.com/
My twitter
And lastly, I am a follower of your blog.
I love this idea! and the handcrafted Ceramic Birdfeeder With Floral Blossom Vines in Sky Blue- thank you!
What a wonderful giveaway! Love the seeds you have on Etsy and the mushrooms or toad stools. Warm wishes, Esther
I'm now a follower on your blog and on twitter. Esther
I love the Sun celebration Face. I've hearted it and need to tell hubby about it.
I tweeted your contest!!
I am now a follower,love your work! I would really love to win!
I have a giveaway on my blog too....check me out!
I love your Butterfly Garden Goddess!!! Beth
I am adding your button to my blog!
I posted your giveaway with link!
Wow, tough to narrow it down to one favorite, but I think this birdhouse is it for me! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=18206288
I'm now following your cool blog!
Barbara Gordon
Tweeted your giveaway!
Barbara Gordon
Hey Karrita what fun...the winner will be a lucky blogger! gail
First Entry, My favorite item in your Etsy store that is listed is the Five Magic Mushrooms. Unlisted I love the Garden Goddess that is at the top of your main page. :)
Second entry, I am already a follower and have been for a while ;)
Third entry, I Tweeted! My user name is JessicaAFM and here is the link to my Twitter page: http://twitter.com/JessicaAFM
Fourth entry, I blogged about your give away on The Magical Mundane:
Last one. I got the button up. :)
I am so happy to have found your site. You have gorgeous pieces.
It is really hard to pick a favorite, the toad houses are darling & I would love to win one. I really like the Handcrafted Ceramic Ribbons Birdhouse.
Thank you for the chance to win a new home for my little bug eaters!
I am a new follower (and looking forward to future posts!).
Holy smokes! Tons of folks want your toad abode. I must say that and the mushrooms are my favorite garden things on your Etsy shop. So please enter me in:)
I like the Unusual Sun Celebration face.
(And the toad adobe is really adorable, too!)
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT
I follow
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I follow on Twitter and tweeted:
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I suppose it's very heavy :-( so I'll try not to sulk :-) Good luck with this!
I like the sun celebration plaques. Livng in the pacific NW we need all the sun we can get. I love your work. Sharon
What a fabulous giveaway, Karrita!!
I left you some "love" on my blog. Be sure to check it out!
You have beautiful things to offer at your site. I think my most favorite is the blue hanging birdbath. Thanks for the giveaway!
I've become a follower. Thanks!
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