New Handcrafted Ceramic Fairy House for the Home and Garden
♥ My Heart Is At Peace Amongst The Trees

Today my heart longs to be nestled amongst the trees. This collection of tree inspired art was created from the many varied artists found on Etsy. I hope you enjoy looking at all of these beautiful treasures.
original oil painti... $75.00 | Amber/Green Stonewa... $6.00 | A Tree Grows - Prin... $18.00 |
8 x 12 prints 3-pac... $54.00 | Zaftig Goddess Pend... $45.00 | Misty Tree Nuno Fel... $75.00 |
Axis Mundi - Art P... $14.95 | Deep roots.. great ... $23.00 | Autumn Oak Mixed Me... $12.00 |
Mountain Lake Scene... $30.00 | Pillow of Petals 8X... $28.00 | 8 x 10 Giclee PRINT... $18.00 |
Birch Trees Appliqu... $35.00 | Birds Nest Shoe Scu... $185.00 | Planting Hope Tree ... $16.00 |
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Artists In The Garden XIIII: Nicola Barsaleau of Blue Cicada
I create linocuts. These are carved blocks, rolled with ink and then printed by hand. I first came in contact with this art form in South Africa, where I grew up. Linocuts are a perfect medium for a strong social message. And the bold imagery of a linocut goes well with activism. When I lived in London, I learnt to make my own and I’ve been making them ever since.

Everyday Is A Journey
Where do you find your inspiration?
My inspiration is a sense we are all connected spiritually. We all have an inner life and we all have inner strength in goodness. Sometimes this strength appears covered, like when we go through a period of depression. Yet I believe we are capable of amazing things when we align with our true nature.

Dragonfly Original LinocutCard
How does your garden or nature influence your art?
Nature inspires me with a sense of mystery, a sense that there is something far greater (and smaller!) than I can possibly perceive. After spending time outdoors, I always come away with the seed of wholeness, which, in turn, inspires me to make art. My experience is that making art is very much a process of wholeness and flow.
Will you share a picture of your garden with us?
Of course! Here is a picture of our vegetable garden. In Florida, everything grows very quickly during growing season!
Will you share a few pictures of your favorite plants?
Yes, bamboo! It is hard to stop my heart soaring when I step back and view these strong, beautiful plants. Of course, their strength is not only in their rods—if you ever plant runner bamboo, be sure to dig a lined trench a few feet deep to create an underground barrier!
Others featured here include the fig and the eucalyptus tree.
Do you have a favorite public garden to recommend?
Yes--the herb garden and the bamboo garden at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens in Gainesville, FL.

What is the best lesson you have learnt from the garden or nature?
Nature teaches me listen. When I am fortunate enough to carry this through to my daily life, I listen before I act.
Show us your favorite item in your Blue Cicada Etsy shop.

Acorn And Oak Original Linocut
Share a favorite garden or nature related item from a fellow Etsy shop.
The Tide Always Changes - Journeys And Dreams
Nicola, I thank you for sharing the joy and inspiration found in your art, nature and gardening. I am proud to share with everyone that one of Nicola's beautiful linocuts was recently given to me as a gift by my dearest childhood friend. I have it placed on the wall in my ceramic studio and get to look at it everyday. It is even more special to me now that I know a little bit about Nicola, the artist who created it.
Alchemy is in the Garden!

Check out this recipe on Youtube for Nasturtium salad.
Alchemy decided to spend her second night lounging about in one of the toad abodes that just happens to be situated right in the middle of a nasturtium patch. Hmm...I wonder if she had an ulterior motive for wanting to sleep in that area of the garden. Do you think it was the yummy nasturtiums?

On day three she accompanied me to the GardenFest, a festival celebrating everything garden related, where she spent the day greeting customers while perched inside the assorted birdhouses, mushrooms and bird feeders for sale in my booth. To our surprise, one of my customers had heard about the traveling meerkats from a friend and was just tickled to see one in person.

Lovely orchids.
And more tropical plant varieties.
Our last day together was spent relaxing around the house with a little time set aside for her to get to know our dog Cici. If I can so say myself, they looked so cute hanging out together. I had to continually convince Cici that this little meerkat was not a new chew toy for her to chomp on. In the end they made for perfect friends.
The final picture is of little Alchemy with her nasturtium seeds and Honey Bee in the Garden trinket dish for the final giveaway. If you're interested in seeing where the other meerkats have traveled to, go check out the Niftyknits Meerkat World Tour page here.

My Mother's Garden online shop has a variety of newly created birdhouses and toad abodes for spring. Stop by and visit if you'd like!